Well Being Counselors
At ISH, we understand that student learning and academic achievement is enhanced when students are given both the support and the skills to successfully overcome the various challenges they face during childhood or adolescence. There are 2 counselors, an elementary counselor and a secondary counselor. They provide individual and small group counseling to address specific social-emotional, and behavioral issues that impact student learning and overall well-being.
Further, our well-being curriculum is our first level of intervention and aims to support the larger student body at ISH by encouraging children to develop the important skills necessary to successfully navigate through life with resilience and independence.
The counselors work in collaboration with parents, teachers, school administrators, and outside professionals to optimally address the educational, social, and emotional needs of our students. Counseling services are available to all students and can be accessed in multiple ways. Students can be referred by others or they can self-refer. If support or intervention is needed, please email either the elementary or secondary school counselor.
College Counselor
At ISH the preparation for post-secondary education begins as soon as students enter high school. The College Counselor conducts periodic information sessions for both parents and students, guides students through the application process by helping them choose the right colleges, matching their specific interests and aspirations, and collates all the required documents such as transcripts and recommendation letters for submission to universities. College and university visits to campus and the presence of visiting consultants further enhances the entire 'college application' experience for our students.