Admissions » ISH Age Criterion

ISH Age Criterion

Admission to ISH requires that students attain the minimum age requirements as stated below as of August 31st. Chronological age is calculated from the date of birth and verification of age (passport or certified birth certificate) is required for all students entering ISH.


ISH also considers successful completion of the previous grade or its academic equivalent (grades 1 to 11), generally corresponding to the following minimum ages:


Further to the above, the following criteria apply:
Students who are more than one year older or younger than the expected age for a grade level will not normally be considered for admission into that grade level.  However, the decision of placement lies with the Admissions Committee.

Applicants to ISH come from many different countries, differing school calendars, and schools with varying age cut-off dates.  After careful review of an applicant’s age, school records, and academic history, accepted students are placed according to the ISH’s curriculum, standards, and expectations.

Applicants from schools following the southern hemisphere calendar, spanning from January/April to November/March (e.g., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, Singapore, Japan, Korea), should apply to the grade level corresponding to their ongoing school year. This infers that those seeking enrollment in August should apply to the grade they are currently attending, while those applying for January enrollment should select the grade they are about to finish or have just completed.